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Operation Update 3/18/2020

As noted all over the Home page of our website, this is the first year that we are only offering archery hunts to the public as an "archery-only outfitter" in southern Iowa and eastern Kansas. Our Iowa deer hunts and Kansas deer hunts are strictly archery only. This is a huge change for us, and so far, it has gone very well. We are staying busy here in southern Iowa & eastern Kansas moving forward toward the hunting season. As noted in our prior email newsletters (you should subscribe at the bottom of our website pages if you haven't already), our Kansas hunts have remained rather personal instead of professional as we host a few hunters whom we know well. Potentially starting in 2021, and depending on how we do there this year, we will open up Kansas to all inquiring hunters. The Iowa operation will always be our baby, but we hope that our adopted Kansas operation merges well within the family.

March 2020 - finalizing leases, concluding shed hunting, TSI & other cutting/trimming, planning food plots, and booking remaining hunt slots (if any), etc.

April 2020 - TBD (Ex. Kansas NR permit lottery, turkey hunting, spraying for bean plots)

May 2020 - TBD (Ex. Iowa NR tag lottery, turkey hunting, burning, tilling, planting bean plots)

June 2020 - TBD (Ex. Tag Results, spraying bean plots, planning fall plots, trail cam prep)

July 2020 - TBD (Ex. Set trail cams & mineral/feed, spray beans, spray for fall plots, etc.)

August 2020 - TBD (Ex. Check trail cams, burn , fertilize, till, plant, finish, pray, stands out)

September 2020 - TBD (Ex. Get blinds out/reworked, minor trimming, check cams, scouting)

October 2020 - TBD (Ex. Check cams, scout from roads, watch weather & farmers, hunt)

November 2020 - TBD (Ex. Hunt HARD!!!, Scout HARD!!!, Sleep HARD!!!, Work HARD!!!)

December 2020 - TBD (Ex. Wear orange and police farms, host a friend or two for Gun 1/2)

Late Dec 2020 - Early Jan 2021 - TBD (Ex. Find daylight bucks, scout, watch for sheds!)

I will post most of our updates in our monthly newsletters that you can subscribe to at the bottom of our website. This is the best way to stay up to date, but these blog posts are pretty neat, too. Thanks for reading!


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